Saturday, June 19, 2021



Tourism is the commercial organization and operation of vacations and visits to places of interest. Tourism is a popular industry to develop local economics in the world. 


Apart from the development of the economy, tourism also can bring many advantages to local governments and residents. It provides jobs to many people since the people live at the accommodation, the workers are hired and they get jobs like the tour guides, waiters, watchmen, chefs, etc. Another great thing about tourism is that people can enjoy a lot wandering different places even they come across different culture and tradition. Which is developing tourism. Meanwhile, developing tourism also brings many negative effects for local residents and the environment. Pollution is the biggest negative factor concerning tourism. For instance, people take transport to their destination, if they take cars or planes, it will cause air pollution, besides it damages the local environment and affects local residents. Many people spoil the area by littering. Moreover, plastic pollution is also a very serious problem from tourism. Spreading Plastic causes soil erosion. To save the environment, you ought not to pollute it with any means of non-biodegradable products!!!

Responsible tourism

Buying local items is the easiest way to be a responsible traveller. It is one of the best ways to make a positive impact on the lives of the residents in the country you’re visiting is to purchase products that are locally grown/made. Another best things that can be done while travelling abroad is to volunteer our time and donate some money to reputable causes. We should even watch our waste, we should avoid littering and throwing plastic. By doing such small things we can be a responsible traveller.

Echo resort

An echo resort is a lodging facility that takes steps to reduce its carbon footprint while giving back to its local community. It's a place where people accommodate.



Before your stay at ‘ Feel Free Echo Lodge ‘ our agents will pick you up at the airport. This is a 3 days package in which for Rs.10,000 per family or friends and for Rs. 2,500 for an individual we will provide all the facilities. (food, accommodation, travel, clubs, swimming pool, etc.)

Then in a double-decker battery bus, we will get you to our echo lodge with other tourists. You will be given your room to hang on and you can fresh up. Then, there will be a buffet where you can enjoy delicious food made by our expert chefs. The food is made from organic veggies. Soon after lunch, we will take you to tourist places, parks, adventure islands, etc. Our guide will be with you on the complete trip. Then, we will take you back to the lodge. In the evening many programs will be held, before that, we’ll take you near the swimming pool, you can take your seats and watch the sunset as you can see in the picture. Later you can have your dinner. And then you can have a great night. That is all for the first day.

Then 2nd day you can utilize the facilities of our lodge like the swimming pool, sports club, dance club, singing clubs, library, and yoga clubs.  

Then 3rd day we will show Natural vegetation and wildlife.

In the evening we will drop you back to the airport for departure.

Thursday, June 10, 2021



We usually use the same sort of words now and then which makes people apathetic. And these alternatives can be super helpful in your speech or any conversation. It gives an impact on the way one articulates. Try out these alternatives to make your language effective. 

Replace these overused words in your English!


  • Admire
  • Adore
  • Cherish
  • Fancy
  • Significant
  • Vital
  • Critical
  • Imperative
  • Essential
3. NEW
  • Updated
  • Modern
  • Latest
  • Brand new 
  • Indeed
  • Absolutely
  • Literally
  • Seriously
5. AND
  • Moreover
  • In addition to
  • Cool
  • Mesmerizing
  • Amazing
  • Fascinating
  • Mesmerizing
  • Impressive
  • Striking
  • Witty
  • Stylish
  • Clarify
  • Elaborate
  • Concept
  • Element
11. SEE
  • Glimpse
  • Stare
  • Observe
  • Notice
12. ALSO
  • Furthermore
  • Moreover
  • Addition
  • Transform
  • Modify
  • Adjust
14. SAID
  • Claimed
  • Stated
  • Declared
  • Argued
  • Suggested
  • Explained
15. Welcome (Thank you reply)
  • My pleasure!
  • Anything for you!
  • Never mind!
  • No worries!
  • It was the least I could...
  • Pleased to help you...
  • Don't mention it!

Sunday, June 6, 2021



Many of you had a fantasy school. A school with all your wishes, Below is an example of such a dream school.

Youth Vision Academy

Firstly about the school facilities, there will be locker, canteen, fest's, clubs, swimming pool, sports facilities, competitions, trips and there will be an exam for depending on the class the syllabus be there and from every class toppers will be taken to any one country tour for 3 days every 2 years. About the school rules, students will be allowed to get phones but during the classes they should be turned off. Those who wish can accommodate here though it's not a rule so students can stay at homes also. And there will be no uniform. Then about the curriculum, this school students can choose the subjects they want to study, at least 3. Timings of the school will be from 11 A.M. - 4 P.M. The reason I chose the timing is because students will have time to fresh up, if they didn't complete the homework they can do it and the key point is that they can get sufficient sleep and i believe students wont be late for school. You may think. that if we kept the school after lunch also you may get the same advantages but after lunch there may be disadvantages also like you wont get more time for extra things since the school will start late students may think to sleep longer which may cause dementia or alzheimer and more times wasted since morning they spend time sleeping and time pass and from afternoon to evening in school so the only time left to them will be night and that is really less time to do extra things. That's the reason I chose this timing 11-4. In this school the things are taught in a fun way like with projects, games, activities, etc. And at last year you will be having a party with your classmates. Students will be given medals and cups for winning the competitions and all. They will be given qualification certificate and a medal for qualifying.

You Might have Some more cool ideas, be creative and you can add some more cool ideas. 

By the way didn't you feel these facilities should've been there?Huh?


 TOURISM Tourism is the commercial organization and operation of vacations and visits to places of interest.  Tourism is a popular industry ...